Players are required to make a kick shot to tag Bobble Ball in between every shot of a traditional pool game. Kick - Pocket - Kick - Pocket - Kick - Pocket - Kick - Pocket - etc. until you win!
↓View The Player's Meeting And Tournament Clips On The Video Below ↓
Play Traditional 8 Ball and 9 Ball Games Using Bobble Ball
Improve Your Kick Shots, Speed Control, and Positioning Skills!!!
Bobble Ball Cue Games Combine The Concepts Of: Pool Snooker And Caroms Into One Fun Game Using a "Tag Ball" Rule Variation
Bobble Ball Short Rack 8 Ball Game Demonstration
Upcoming Video Update: This video states that there is no penalty for missing a tag.
At the March 2010 Hopkins Expo, the suggestion was made by Mike Massey to change this rule to be:
"A missed tag is a foul resulting in 'Cue Ball In Hand' to the incoming player."
Thank you Mike! The rule has been officially changed.
BCAPL Tournament Pool Players Were Surveyed In Las Vegas And 60 out of 60 said "YES" to:
Do you think that Bobble Ball is an effective training aid for helping someone improve his or her game?"
Below are some of their additional comments:
Great for learning to bank. Great kicking practice. Good for touch shots. Teaches angles. Very good for training. Teaches banks. Don't give up!
Great for perspective. A change to routine games. Improves kicking game. Good practice. Good for strategy. Good for foresight.
Good for ball control and focus. Great for touch shot and carom play. Love the game. Combines discipline and fun together. Improves my game. A great way to practice my kicking!
Bobble Ball Introduction Video >>>>>>>>>>>>>
This is the same video as on the Home Page
Enjoy your pool table with or without a cue stick!!!
Bobble Ball Games Are Fun For Everyone!!!
A Must Have Billiard Accessory For Your And Your Friends!
Note: Most players stand when playing the hand rolling version of the game. We played the game seated for filming purposes.
Scroll Down To Read Specific Rules For Bobble Ball 8-Ball And 9-Ball
Tag Ball - Playing Traditional Billiard Games With Bobble Ball.
Many popular traditional billiard games may also be played with Bobble Ball. Bobble Ball Cue Sports creatively combine the concepts of billiards, caroms, and snooker into one game. Bobble Ball Cue Sports incorporates a unique strategy into traditional billiard rules because it requires that players must always "tag" Bobble Ball with the cue ball in order to earn the right to continue their turn to shoot at and possibly pocket a billiard ball on the table surface. By inserting this "tag" requirement, players are challenged to execute accurate kick shots and to position the cue ball not only based on the location of the next billiard ball, but also on the location of Bobble Ball. The following two rules provide a summary for the successful play of Bobble Ball Tag Ball using this "Tag Ball" rule variation.
1. An incoming player must legally "tag," or contact, Bobble Ball with the cue ball in order to earn the right to continue his or her inning (turn). If Bobble Ball is legally tagged, then the player may continue his inning and make a shot attempt at pocketing a billiard ball. If Bobble Ball is not legally tagged, then a foul has been committed. A player must always legally tag Bobble Ball prior to making a shot attempt at pocketing a billiard ball.
2. In order for a tag to be considered legal, a player must tag Bobble Ball with the cue ball by kicking the cue ball against a minimum of one rail first before contacting Bobble Ball. The tag must be a "clean hit" meaning that the cue ball must contact rail(s) first and Bobble Ball second.
Bobble Ball Cue Sport Flow Chart Using Tag Ball Rule Variation:
The incoming player must attempt to legally tag Bobble Ball with the cue ball. ↓↓
Player has committed a foul. Incoming Player may make a shot attempt at pocketing a billiard ball. player receives ball in hand and the All specific league or house billiard rules apply at this point. opportunity to legally tag Bobble Ball ↓ ↓
Player loses turn and incoming Player must legally tag Bobble Ball player has opportunity to legally tag once again in order to earn the right Bobble Ball to shoot at another billiard ball
Tag Ball® Variation of Traditional Eight Ball Game Using Bobble Ball®
Equipment Required: 1 Bobble Ball, Standard set of billiard balls, Cue stick(s), 1 Pool table.
Set Up: The set up is the same as in the traditional game of Eight Ball except that Bobble Ball is placed on the head string at either the first or third diamond/site coordinate.
Object: To legally tag Bobble Ball prior to the legal pocketing of each one of a player's seven billiard balls of a designated grouping (ie. solids or stripes). Game Variation: For a shorter version of the game, rather than a full 15 ball rack, use 4 solids, 4 stripes, and the 8 ball racked in nine ball formation. The balls are racked by placing a solid ball at the top, a striped ball at the bottom, 8 ball in the center, and a solid and striped ball in each horizontal line of the rack. (Note: For a more challenging game, require players to pocket their designated grouping in numerical order similar to the game concept of Nine Ball.)
Winning: The player who legally pockets the 8 ball wins the game. Player does not win on traditional three foul loss of game rule. Game Variation: Bobble Ball 8-Ball Game is based on a "right to shoot" concept. A player earns the "right to shoot" by legally tagging Bobble Ball. For more experienced players, increase the number of required kicks in order to earn the right to shoot at the 8 ball and win the game. This final tag would require a minimum kick against two, three, or more rails depending on the skill level of the players. The number of kicks required to win must be determined by the players before the start of the game. The first player legally completing this tag requirement AND THEN legally pocketing the 8 ball in the same inning wins the game.
RULES: All specific Eight Ball league or house rules apply when players are shooting at billiard balls with the exception of Rules B1, B3, and C6 outlined below which apply throughout the game. When players are attempting to "tag" Bobble Ball, the following variations from the official rules apply:
A1. A player must legally "tag," or contact Bobble Ball with the cue ball in order to earn the right to continue his or her inning (turn) and attempt to pocket a billiard ball on the table. Failure to legally tag Bobble Ball is a foul.
A2. In order for a tag to be considered legal, a player must tag Bobble Ball with the cue ball by kicking the cue ball against a minimum of one rail first before tagging Bobble Ball. The tag must be a "clean hit" meaning that the cue ball must contact rail(s) first and Bobble Ball second. A player who does not contact a minimum of one rail first with the cue ball during the tagging attempt has committed a foul.
A3. A player may shoot at a billiard ball within his designated grouping once he has legally tagged Bobble Ball with the cue ball. All specific Eight Ball league or house rules apply during the player's shot attempt at this point (with the exception of Rules B1, B3, and C6 outlined below). Bobble Ball must ALWAYS be legally tagged by the cue ball in order for a player to continue his or her inning.
A4. If a player fails to tag Bobble Ball during the tagging attempt, the player has committed a foul.
A5. During the tagging attempt, if the cue ball contacts another billiard ball prior to kicking the rail or tagging Bobble Ball, then a foul has been committed. If the cue ball contacts another billiard ball AFTER a legal tag has occurred, then no foul has been committed.
A6. A player does not have to call his shot, method, or indicate details such as number of kicks, banks, kisses, or caroms when attempting to tag Bobble Ball.
A7. A player is allowed to use a legal jump stroke during the tag attempt.
B1. A foul always results in loss of turn and ball in hand for the incoming player.
B2. After one player has not legally tagged Bobble Ball for three consecutive innings, then the incoming player has the choice to leave Bobble Ball where it is or placing both Bobble Ball and cue ball in hand anywhere on the table. The opponent must warn when a player is on two missed tags. (The purpose of this rule is to prevent stalemate situations).
B3. Traditional three foul rule on object balls does not apply throughout the entire game.
B4. If a player jumps Bobble Ball off of the table, he has committed a foul. Bobble Ball is spotted on the foot spot.
B5. When Bobble Ball is spotted on the foot spot, Bobble Ball should be given a slight spin whenever possible. A legal spin is defined as: 1) A minimum of one rotation; 2) Bobble Ball not traveling more than an approximate one to two inches; and 3) Bobble Ball not contacting any other ball. Opponent has option to request that Bobble Ball be spun again in the event of an illegal spin and that balls be placed back in their original position if Bobble Ball hit other balls during the spin. If Bobble Ball cannot be spun, then incoming player has choice of placement of Bobble Ball on foot spot. When foot spot is occupied by any ball, place Bobble Ball behind ball occupying the foot spot on the center line so as not to disturb the preceding ball(s). If both Bobble Ball and a billiard ball are pocketed and must be spotted, then place Bobble Ball on foot spot and give a slight spin and the billiard ball directly behind it on center line.
C1. If a player pockets a billiard ball within his own grouping or his opponent's grouping in the attempt to tag Bobble Ball, the billiard ball remains pocketed. If Bobble Ball was legally tagged, the player's inning continues. If Bobble Ball was not legally tagged, the player has committed a foul.
C2. If a player pockets Bobble Ball during the tagging attempt, Bobble Ball is immediately spotted on the foot spot. If the cue ball legally tagged Bobble Ball prior to Bobble Ball being pocketed, the player's inning continues. If the cue ball did not legally tag Bobble Ball prior to Bobble Ball being pocketed, the player has committed a foul.
C3. If a player pockets Bobble Ball during an attempt to pocket a billiard ball, Bobble Ball is immediately spotted on the foot spot. If the player legally pocketed the billiard ball, the player's inning continues.
C4. If a player pockets the cue ball in his attempt to tag Bobble Ball, a foul has been committed.
C5. If a player pockets the 8 ball, other than the last called ball in the game, the game is over.
C6. If the 8 ball is pocketed on the break, the 8 ball is spotted on the foot spot.
C7. If a player pockets the last ball of his designated grouping on a legal tag, the player must once again tag Bobble Ball in order to earn the right to shoot at the 8 ball.
D1. When a player has finished his inning without committing a foul, the incoming player plays the cue ball and Bobble Ball "as is."
D2. During a tag attempt, if the cue ball is frozen against a rail, the player must shoot the cue ball away from the frozen rail and kick any other rail in the attempt to tag Bobble Ball.
D3. If the player who breaks also pockets a ball on the break, he is considered the "Incoming Player" and must attempt to tag Bobble Ball with the cue ball in order to earn the right to shoot at and possibly pocket another billiard ball. If the player who breaks does not pocket a billiard ball on the break, he loses his turn and the "Incoming Player" must attempt to tag Bobble Ball with the cue ball in order to earn the right to shoot at and possibly pocket a billiard ball.
Tag Ball® Variation of Traditional Nine Ball Game Using Bobble Ball®
Equipment Required: 1 Bobble Ball, Standard set of billiard balls (cue ball and 9 consecutively numbered billiard balls, Cue stick(s), 1 Pool table.
Set Up: The set up is the same as in the traditional game of Nine Ball except that Bobble Ball is placed on the head string at either the first or third diamond/site coordinate.
Object: To legally tag Bobble Ball prior to the legal pocketing of each one of the nine consecutively numbered billiard balls.
Winning: The player who legally pockets the 9 ball wins the game. The 9 ball must be pocketed as the last ball and if the 9 ball is pocketed prematurely, whether legally or illegally, the 9 ball is placed on the foot spot. However, if pocketed legally, the player continues his or her inning at the table. Player does not win on traditional three foul loss of game rule. Game Variation: Bobble Ball 9-Ball Game is based on a "right to shoot" concept. A player earns the "right to shoot" by legally tagging Bobble Ball. For more experienced players, increase the number of required kicks in order to earn the right to shoot at the 9 ball and win the game. This final tag would require a minimum kick against two, three, or more rails depending on the skill level of the players. The number of kicks required to win must be determined by the players before the start of the game. The first player legally completing this tag requirement AND THEN legally pocketing the 9 ball in the same inning wins the game.
Rules: All specific 9-Ball league or house rules apply when players are shooting at billiard balls with the exception of Rules B1, B3, and C5 outlined below which apply throughout the game. When players are attempting to "tag" Bobble Ball, the following variations from the official rules apply:
A1. A player must legally "tag," or contact Bobble Ball with the cue ball in order to earn the right to continue his or her inning and attempt to pocket a billiard ball on the table. Failure to legally tag Bobble Ball is a foul.
A2. In order for a tag to be considered legal, a player must tag Bobble Ball with the cue ball by kicking the cue ball against a minimum of one rail first before tagging Bobble Ball. The tag must be a "clean hit" meaning that the cue ball must contact rail(s) first and Bobble Ball second. A player who does not contact a minimum of one rail first with the cue ball during the tagging attempt has committed a foul.
A3. A player may shoot at the next consecutively numbered billiard ball once he has legally tagged Bobble Ball with the cue ball. All specific Nine Ball league or house rules apply during the player's shot attempt at this point (with the exception of Rules B1, B3, and C5 outlined below). Bobble Ball must ALWAYS be legally tagged by the cue ball in order for a player to continue his or her inning.
A4. If a player fails to tag Bobble Ball during the tagging attempt, the player has committed a foul.
A5. During the tagging attempt, if the cue ball contacts another billiard ball prior to kicking the rail or tagging Bobble Ball, then a foul has been committed. If the cue ball contacts another billiard ball AFTER a legal tag has occurred, then no foul has been committed.
A6. A player does not have to call his shot, method, or indicate details such as number of kicks, banks, kisses, or caroms when attempting to tag Bobble Ball.
A7. A player is allowed to use a legal jump stroke during the tag attempt.
B1. A foul always results in loss of turn and ball in hand for the incoming player.
B2. After one player has not legally tagged Bobble Ball for three consecutive innings, then the incoming player has the choice to leave Bobble Ball where it is or placing both Bobble Ball and cue ball in hand anywhere on the table. The opponent must warn when a player is on two missed tags. (The purpose of this rule is to prevent stalemate situations).
B3. Traditional three foul rule on object balls does not apply throughtout the entire game.
B4. If a player jumps Bobble Ball off of the table, he has committed a foul. Bobble Ball is spotted on the foot spot.
B5. When Bobble Ball is spotted on the foot spot, Bobble Ball should be given a slight spin whenever possible. A legal spin is defined as: 1) A minimum of one rotation; 2) Bobble Ball not traveling more than an approximate one to two inches; and 3) Bobble Ball not contacting any other ball. Opponent has option to request that Bobble Ball be spun again in the event of an illegal spin and that balls be placed back in their original position if Bobble Ball hit other balls during the spin. If Bobble Ball cannot be spun, then incoming player has choice of placement of Bobble Ball on foot spot. When foot spot is occupied by any ball, place Bobble Ball behind ball occupying the foot spot on the center line so as not to disturb the preceding ball(s). If both Bobble Ball and 9 ball are pocketed and must be spotted, then place Bobble Ball on foot spot and give a slight spin and 9 ball directly behind it on center line.
C1. If a player pockets a billiard ball during the attempt to tag Bobble Ball, the pocketed billiard ball is not spotted (unless the pocketed ball is the 9 ball which is spotted on the foot spot). If Bobble Ball was legally tagged, the player's inning continues and he or she may shoot at the next lowest numbered billiard ball remaining on the table.
C2. If a player pockets Bobble Ball during the tagging attempt, Bobble Ball is immediately spotted on the foot spot. If the cue ball legally tagged Bobble Ball prior to Bobble Ball being pocketed, the player's inning continues. If the cue ball did not legally tag Bobble Ball prior to Bobble Ball being pocketed, the player has committed a foul.
C3. If a player pockets Bobble Ball during an attempt to pocket a billiard ball, Bobble Ball is immediately spotted on the foot spot. If the player legally pocketed the billiard ball, the player's inning continues.
C4. If a player pockets the cue ball in his attempt to tag Bobble Ball, a foul has been committed.
C5. The 9 ball must be pocketed as the last ball. If the 9 ball is pocketed prematurely, whether legally or illegally, the 9 ball is spotted on the foot spot. If pocketed legally, the player continues his or her inning.
D1. When a player has finished his inning without committing a foul, the incoming player plays the cue ball and Bobble Ball "as is."
D2. During a tag attempt, if the cue ball is frozen against a rail, the player must shoot the cue ball directly away from the frozen rail.
D3. If the player who breaks also pockets a ball on the break, he is considered the "Incoming Player" and must attempt to tag Bobble Ball with the cue ball in order to earn the right to shoot at and possibly pocket another billiard ball. If the player who breaks does not pocket a billiard ball on the break, he loses his turn and the "Incoming Player" must attempt to tag Bobble Ball with the cue ball in order to earn the right to shoot at and possibly pocket a billiard ball.